

Jhin Stalker

"315-pound man, 64 heavy drinker, quit all booze, gained weight. Began rowing machine daily, gained weight. Counted all calories, 2500/day, no loss. A1C not bad 7, went on Mounjaro lowest dose 2.5. Have lost 40 pounds (!) in two months, eat anything and everything just way less and no desire to snack between. Still losing a bit, but feel plateau, may ask for larger dose. A miracle, has changed my life mentally and physically. Also, no desire to drink, a side benefit? I didn't do anything, this is all science. I pray it continues to work. Great delivery system. As long as I don't grow a third arm or have something fall off, I'm riding this thing as long as possible. Magic, feel strong, energetic."

Jhon Doe

"I have learned to manage side effects (constipation) with probiotics. This is the only thing that has allowed me to lose the weight I gained post-menopause. I was a size 22 and am now almost a size 10. My BMI went from 39 to just over 30, and I have about 25 more pounds to go. I lost 45 pounds currently. I am no longer taking medication for migraines, asthma, and chronic edema, and my BP medication has been reduced by half."

Jhan Stalker

"I started Mounjaro 5/26/23 weighing 200.5 lbs. I work out 3-5 days per week but was not losing weight. I am down 15 lbs and have lost all cravings. I listen to my body and eat when I am hungry. I have zero side effects."


"I started using Mounjaro (tirzepatide) in July 2022 and weighed 206 lbs. 63 years old and 5'3. It is now March 2023 and I now weigh 130 lbs. The Mounjaro eliminated the desire to eat. I never felt hungry and nothing sounded good, so it was easy to make myself eat only very light meals, more like snacks of fruit, throughout the day. When I say 'make myself' eat I am being literal and could easily have gone without eating at all, but know that isn't healthy. I have experienced a little hair loss, likely due to a lack of nutrients, but it is now growing back. There is an adjustment period to the oddity of food no longer being appealing. No cravings or temptations at all. I believe tirzepatide is the most amazing weight loss medication ever made. I had no side effects other than mild constipation, but nothing that dried prunes couldn't cure. I had tried Ozempic quite some time before the Mounjaro, but the side effects of fatigue and nausea prevented me from continuing."

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